Kees en Ko - Can we pass?
Two domesticated Indian Runner ducks, black and white, standing - frontal take
Photo size: 1.5 Mpixels (4.29 MB uncompressed) - 1500x1000 pixels (5x3.3 in / 12.7x8.5 cm at 300 ppi)
Photo keywords: abstract, allotment, allotment garden, animal, animals, bird, birds, black, community garden, concept, contrast, Diemen, domesticated, duck, ducks, Europe, farm animals, flesseneend, garden, Indian Runner, Indische loopeend, Kees, Ko, natural gardening, nature, nature photography, natuurlijk tuinieren, Netherlands, outdoors, rural, summer, tuin5, walk, walking, white, _NAMES of animals #
Published in: Summer in Garden 5, Animals